Facilis FastTracker


Simple Media Asset Management and Workflow Automation

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Adobe Premiere Pro Featured

Included with every Facilis system, FastTracker is the fastest way to index, tag, search, and access your video, audio and still format media across all connected storage. FastTracker is tested to support millions of asset records, which could represent several more millions of files, as duplicates and proxies are tracked in a single record. FastTracker is completely integrated with Facilis server software and hardware. Using FastTracker, you can develop a custom workflow without the complexity and cost of traditional MAM systems. Easy to learn and quick to use, you'll find this asset tracker to be a huge benefit in almost any workflow. Call us today at (978) 562-7022 to learn more about what is included in our video storage servers. Our FastTracker 3.7 release includes several new features and integrations that streamline your workflow.

Facilis FastTracker 3.8

Even small facilities can have hundreds of terabytes of files across multiple hard drives, network locations, and tier 1 shared storage. Managing the access and location of these files can be a challenge, wasting time that should be used for production. FastTracker is a media asset management system that is designed to be a fast way to index, catalog and find your video, audio, and still image files across Facilis volumes, network drives, and local storage.

Version 3.8 introduces many new features, including metadata-based filters for catalog assignment, data movement, analysis and proxy generation.

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FastTracker Client Transcription Display

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FastTracker Client AI Tag Display

This new architecture will streamline automated workflows to copy data and assign catalogs to records based on approval tags, file location, and age, among many other criteria. Version 3.8 also includes auto-tagging though Google AI, including advanced transcription services that opens up the transcription feature to hundreds of languages.

A new ingest workflow from FastTracker Client enables indexing of local files, copy to server locations and triggering processing all in one step. FastTracker will offer link to externally-created proxy files, and a new dropbox-style web link provides a simple interface for approval. Adobe integrations have improved, with gathering and indexing of Premiere Pro project sources, import of transcription data to Adobe Captions feature, and metadata sync with Adobe projects for searching Adobe metadata within FastTracker interface.

New features in Version 3.8

  • Google AI Image Recognition Auto-tagging and Transcription
  • Metadata-based Catalog Assignments, Proxy Generation, File Move/Copy and Analysis Filters
  • Attach External Proxies to Records
  • Background Process Monitoring and Management
  • Ingest Workflow from FastTracker Client
  • Adobe Metadata Import and Project Source Gathering/Indexing
  • Import of Transcription Metadata to Adobe Captions
  • Web-based Approval Links
  • Google Drive and Dropbox Archive Support
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Previous Versions

Adobe Premiere Pro Featured

FastTracker 3.5 introduced file movement and archive profiles, enabling the user to copy assets to archive locations, other online locations or move from ingest location to project volumes. Duplicate file tracking will find and reallocate the location of files that have been moved outside FastTracker, and show multiple file locations on the same record for locating alternate copies and file cleanup. Integration with Facilis Object Cloud and Object LTO is complete, showing the status and storage location of all archived files on Cloud and LTO, and enabling simple drag and drop restore from archive locations. Proxy on demand features are new, including proxy to cloud and proxy to LTO for keeping lower bitrate versions of the master footage, or making proxies available through the cloud to remote locations.

FastTracker 3.6 introduced timecode burn-in for proxy clips, compatibility with Avid Op-atom, as well as Redcode and P2 media types. Also, users can now download proxy and source files through the FastTracker interface without access to the source storage locations. FastTracker 3.6 automatically mounts volumes that are needed on the server for proxy generation or automatic indexing without user intervention. Gallery view has been enhanced with status indicators and clip duration, and a new help area with status key is available.

FastTracker 3.7 further improves the functionality of the software with local transcription service, scheduled data copies an available web browser interface for remote access, and much more.

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General FastTracker Features

  • Auto Index and catalog all incoming files on Facilis and non-Facilis locations without manual interaction.
  • Encode Proxies at preview, HD, and same-as-source resolutions, automatically at index time or on-demand.
  • Catalog and encode proxies for archived video through Facilis Object Cloud.
  • Restore files from LTO or Cloud locations through Facilis Object Cloud with drag and drop into work volume
  • Filter unwanted files with index filters based on file extension and size.
  • Manage access to indexed data through per-catalog user permissions and password protection.
  • Search assets based on imported/custom metadata, Boolean terms, index time, tag content, and more.
  • Access assets directly from FastTracker Desktop Browse or Adobe Panel, and drag/drop directly to the current application.

Features introduced in Version 3.7

  • Local Transcription (no upload required) with searchable script
  • Scheduled data movement, with indexing of files in destination
  • Web Browser Interface for remote access through HTTP/HTTPS if configured
  • Adobe Metadata Import including transcription copy, markers and proxy attach in Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Remote Ingest through upload to preset server locations
    Custom Codec Settings for proxy generation
  • Source Player for previewing sources without proxy prior to importing
  • Saved Queries and improved search criteria filters

Introducing FastTracker Edge


A Turn-key Asset Management Cloud Cache with optional LTO Library Management

FastTracker Edge is a turn-key management console for your backup, archive and remote access workflows. Index any facility storage into a database capable of millions of records, create previews for high bitrate camera files before rolling to LTO for long-term archive. Create proxy files for fast upload to cloud, fast download to remote desktops, or fast direct access through VPN.

An on-board cache volume of 16TB (14TB RAID5 protected) can hold thousands of hours of low-bitrate proxy and preview files, and serves as the gateway to cloud and LTO. After files to be archived are written to the cache, they are flushed down to directory contents only, taking no disk space.

FastTracker can schedule data copies to cache that will automatically move to LTO or upload to cloud. Through the FastTracker interface, restore files to previous or custom locations, and prefetch file contents to the cache volume to be used directly on the end-user desktops.

Using FastTracker Web, enable remote producers to log into the database and review and approve ingested footage, preview exported cuts, and upload additional sources to FastTracker EDGE cache.


A sample of the FastTracker video series that covers the client Desktop Browse application.

FastTracker Client Browse Video

FastTracker for XenData