From Petroglyphs to Solid State Drives: Welcome to the New Facilis Blog

Jul 9, 2015 | Blog



From Petroglyphs to Solid State Drives: Welcome to the New Facilis Blog

image__the_persistence_of_memory_salvatore_daliSince the beginning of days, man has strived to develop increasingly sophisticated information storage and retrieval methods, whether to preserve and share knowledge, or give permanence to memories and stories. From petroglyphs, books, and punch cards, to magnetic tapes, laser disks, Hard Disk and Solid Sate Drives, our desire to give persistence to our memories has continued to fuel our innovative spirit.

With the advent of video, the modern storyteller faces a host of new challenges when it comes to finding the right storage solution. Postproduction companies are faced with a constant flood of new acquisition formats, codecs and standards, and staying ahead of the curve can create quite a headache.

To help you navigate the confusing world of shared storage, and keep you on top of developments, we have decided to revamp our blog. Don't worry, this will not be yet another boring corporate sales pitch masquerading as a blog. Let me reassure you: the new Facilis blog will not be a platform for us to repurpose press releases, datasheets and corporate brochures. There are other places on the Facilis website where you can get all this info, if that's what you are looking for.Here, we'll help you navigate the challenges of maintaining workflow efficiency and profitability with regards to shared storage infrastructure. We'll talk about the impact of current high-resolution formats and those to come as part of UHDTV’s evolution. We'll look at topics such as LTOs vs. nearline, SSDs vs. HDDs, LTO vs. ODA, pros and cons of 40Gig Ethernet vs. Fibre Channel, the evolution of remote editorial, data security implications, and more! And we'll do it using plain language (no you won't see the usual "end-to-end best of breed fully scalable workflow" hyperbole here).

We'll be posting a couple of times a month, so as not to inundate you. I'll be blogger in chief, with regular contributions from some of our in-house experts. We are also looking for guests bloggers, so if you have an idea for a topic and would like to contribute, drop us a note!

And finally, as a little note of encouragement for you to sign up, we'll be giving away an i-pad and other great prizes over the next few months. So sign up here and if you like what you read, recommend us to your colleagues!


James McKenna
VP Marketing & Pre-Sales Engineering and Blogger in Chief

Image: The Persistence of Memory 1931, Artist: Salvador Dali